
2022-11-20 23:23:52



  Full Player Status 玩家状态全满

  Player Pointer 各项属性(手动修改)

  Unlimited Ammo (untested) 无限子弹

  Unlimited Inventory 物品不减

  Unlimited Durability 耐用度不减

  Ignore Engram Requirements 忽略技能点需求

  Ignore Crafting Requirements 忽略蓝图需求

  Instant Taming 秒驯

  Unlimited Engram 无限技能点

  Unlimited Buff Durations 无限状态加成时间

  Inventory Selection Pointer 选定物品修改


  Item ID Item Description

  1 Simple Pistol

  2 Assault Rifle

  3 Rocket Launcher

  4 Simple Bullet

  5 Bow

  6 Genade

  7 Wood

  8 Stone

  9 Metal

  10 Hide

  11 Chitin

  12 Raw Meat

  13 Spoiled Meat

  14 Cooked Meat

  15 Water Jar

  16 Water Jar (Full)

  17 Cloth Pants

  18 Cloth Shirt

  19 Cloth Hat

  20 Cloth Boots

  21 Cloth Gloves

  22 Hide pants

  23 Hide Shirt

  24 Hide Hat

  25 Hide Boots

  26 Hide Gloves

  27 Chitin Leggings

  28 Chitin Chestpiece

  29 Chitin Helmet

  30 Chitin Boots

  31 Chitin Gauntlets

  32 Stone Arrow

  33 Stone Pick

  34 Stone Hatchet

  35 Metal Pick

  36 Metal Hatchet

  37 Torch

  38 Paintbrush

  39 Campfire

  40 Standing Torch

  41 Hide Sleeping Bag

  42 Remote Detonator

  43 C4 Charge

  44 Blood Extraction Syringe

  45 Blood Pack

  46 Improvised Explosive Device

  47 Waterskin

  48 Waterskin(Full)

  49 Berrybush Seeds

  50 Fertilizer

  51 Bingleberry Soup

  52 Medical Brew

  53 Energy Brew

  54 Dinosaur Feces

  55 Human Feces

  56 Stegosaurus Egg

  57 Spear

  58 Red Coloring

  59 Green Coloring

  60 Blue Coloring

  61 Yellow Coloring

  62 Purple Coloring

  63 Orange Coloring

  64 Black Coloring

  65 White Coloring

  66 Brown Coloring

  67 Cyan Coloring

  68 Purple Coloring

  69 Rex Saddle

  70 Tranq Arrow

  71 Pistol Hat Skin

  72 GPS

  73 Flint

  74 Metal Ingot

  75 Thatch

  76 Fiber

  77 Charcoal

  78 Crystal

  79 Thatch Roof

  80 Thatch Door

  81 Thatch Foundation

  82 Thatch Wall

  83 Thatch Doorframe

  84 Wooden Catwalk

  85 Wooden Ceiling

  86 Wooden Hatchframe

  87 Wooden Door

  88 Wooden Foundation

  89 Wooden Ladder

  90 Wooden Pillar

  91 Wooden Ramp

  92 Wooden Trapdoor

  93 Wooden Wall

  94 Wooden Doorframe

  95 Wooden WindowFrame

  96 Wooden Window

  97 Wooden Sign

  98 Blueprint: Note

  99 Citronal

  100 Parasaur Saddle

  101 Raptor Saddle

  102 Stego Saddle

  103 Trike Saddle

  104 Pulmonoscorpius Saddle

  105 Storage Box

  106 Large Storage Box

  107 Mortar and Pestle

  108 Sparkpowder

  109 Gunpowder

  110 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake

  111 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight

  112 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Incline

  113 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection

  114 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical

  115 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap

  116 Amarberry Seed

  117 Amarberry

  118 Azulberry

  119 Tintoberry

  120 Mejoberry

  121 Narcoberry

  122 Stimberry

  123 Narcotic

  124 Stimulant

  125 Refining Forge

  126 Smithy

  127 Compost Bin

  128 Cooking Pot

  129 Simple Bed

  130 Small Crop Plot


  131 Pteranodon Saddle

  132 Longneck Rifle

  133 Citronal Seed

  134 Specimen Implant

  135 Bronto Saddle

  136 Wooden Fence Foundation

  137 Compass

  138 Scope Attachment

  139 Slingshot

  140 Pike

  141 Radio

  142 Obsidian

  143 Dinosaur Gateway

  144 Simple Rifle Ammo

  145 Summon Broodmother

  146 Cementing Paste

  147 Dinosaur Gate

  148 Artifact of the Hunter

  149 Artifact of the Pack

  150 Artifact of the Massive

  151 Artifact of the Devious

  152 Artifact of the Clever

  153 Artifact of the Skylord

  154 Artifact of the Devourer

  155 Artifact of the Queen

  156 Artifact of the Strong

  157 Artifact of the Flamekeeper

  158 Argentavis Talon

  159 Megalodon Tooth

  160 Tyrannosaur Arm

  161 Saurpod Vertebra

  162 Oil

  163 Silica Pearls

  164 Gasoline

  165 Electronics

  166 Polymer

  167 Metal Catwalk

  168 Metal Ceiling

  169 Metal Hatchframe

  170 Metal Door

  171 Metal Fence Foundation

  172 Metal Foundation

  173 Behemoth Gate

  174 Behemoth Gateway

  175 Metal Ladder

  176 Metal Pillar

  177 Metal Ramp

  178 Metal Trapdoor

  179 Metal Wall

  180 Metal Doorframe

  181 Metal Windowframe

  182 metal Window

  183 Super Test meat

  184 Flare Gun

  185 Fabricator

  186 Water Tank

  187 Parachute

  188 Air Conditioner

  189 Electrical Generator

  190 Electrical Outlet

  191 Inclined Electrical Cable

  192 Electrical Cable Intersection

  193 Straight Electrical Cable

  194 Vertical Electrical Cable

  195 Lamppost

  196 Refrigerator

  197 Auto Turret

  198 Remote Keypad

  199 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined

  200 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap

  201 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection

  202 Metal irrigation Pipe - Straight

  203 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap

  204 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical

  205 Flashlight Attachment

  206 Silencer Attachment

  207 Carbonemys Saddle

  208 Sarco Saddle

  209 Ankylo Saddle

  210 Mammoth Saddle

  211 Megalodon Saddle

  212 Sabertooth Saddle

  213 Carno Saddle

  214 Argentavis Saddle

  215 Plesiosaur Saddle

  216 Chitin/Keratin

  217 Keratin

  218 Metal Sign

  219 Holo-Scope Attachment

  220 Laser Attachment

  221 Wooden Billboard

  222 Flak Leggings

  223 Flak Chestpiece

  224 Flak Helmet

  225 Flak Boots

  226 Flak Gauntlets

  227 Enduro Stew

  228 Lazarus Chowder

  229 Calien Soup

  230 Fria Curry

  231 Focal Chilli

  232 Savoroot

  233 Longgrass1

  234 Rockarrot

  235 Azulberry Seed

  236 Tintoberry Seed

  237 Mejoberry Seed

  238 Narcoberry Seed

  239 Stimberry Seed

  240 Savoroot Seed

  241 Longgrass Seed

  242 Rockarrot Seed

  243 Metal Billboard

  244 Fabricated Pistol

  245 Advanced Bullet

  246 Advanced Rifle Bullet

  247 Rocket Propelled Grenade

  248 Medium Crop Plot

  249 Large Crop Plot

  250 Rare Flower

  251 Rare Mushroom

  252 Raw Prime Meat

  253 Cooked Prime Meat

  254 Battle Tartare

  255 Shadow Steak Saute

  256 Rockwell Recipes: Enduro Stew

  257 Rockwell Recipes: Lazarus Chowder

  258 Rockwell Recipes: Calien Soup

  259 Rockwell Recipes: Fria Curry

  260 Rockwell Recipes: Focal Chilli

  261 Rockwell Recipes: Battle Tartare

  262 Rockwell Recipes: Shadow Steak Saute

  263 Notes on Rockwell Recipes

  264 Wall Sign

  265 Metal Dinosaur Gateway

  266 Metal Dinosaur Gate

  267 Shotgun

  268 Simple Shotgun Ammo

  269 Metal Wall Sign

  270 Amarberry Seed

  271 Azulberry Seed

  272 Tintoberry Seed

  273 Narcoberry Seed

  274 Stimberry Seed

  275 Mejoberry Seed

  276 Citronal Seed

  277 Savaroot Seed

  278 Longgrass Seed

  279 Rockarrot Seed

  280 Flag

  281 Hunter Skin Hat

  282 Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle

  283 Spyglass

  284 Spider Flag

  285 Phiomia Saddle

  286 Medium Dinosaur Feces

  287 Large Dinosaur Feces

  288 Brontosaurus Egg

  289 Parasaur Egg

  290 Raptor Egg

  291 T-Rex Egg

  292 Triceratops Egg

  293 Parasaur ARK Founder Saddle Skin

  294 Dodo Egg





