荣耀战魂全职业特殊触发词翻译一览 荣耀战魂术语
Keep in mind these will not be perfect since none of these are my native language and it is all based off of hearing!
Vikings, Icelandic
Jump heavy: Þú ert dauður! – "You are dead!"
【切头开颅:"You are dead!" (你死定了!)】
Deflect: Náði þér! – "Caught you!"
【偏斜破防:"Caught you!" (破绽!)】
Shield stance: HORFÐU Á MIG! – "Look at me!"
【完全防御模式:"Look at me!" (你的对手是我!)】
Unblockable: ÉG RÍF ÞIG Í BITA! - "I'll tear you to pieces!"
【突袭者之怒:"I'll tear you to pieces!" (我要撕碎你!)】
Leg sweep: ÉG DREP ÞIG! – "I'll kill you!"
【长矛横扫:"I'll kill you!" (我要杀了你!)】
Shield charge: Dauðastund! -Literal translation is time/moment of death.
【盾牌擒杀:Dauðastund! - 字面意思是,死亡时间。】
Can be used as that but mostly used formally. In the old stories the dauðastund would often be something glorious。
【这句台词女武神这么用也可以,不过在大多数时候都用的更加正式。一些古代北欧故事中,dauðastund 经常用于被敌人包围时或是垂死时展现荣耀迎接死亡的战吼中。】
(dying while surrounded by your enemies)
【(另外女武神在北欧神话中负责带领死去的勇士前往英灵殿,不知是否可以译为 “英灵殿在召唤!”)】
Knights, Latin
Shoulder bash: Miserum! – "Pitiful!"
【肩撞攻击(男性):"Pitiful!" (弱者!)】
Te secabo! – "I'll cut you into pieces!"
【肩撞攻击(女性):"I'll cut you into pieces!" (我的剑锋将把你撕碎!)】
Nulla misericordia! – "No mercy!"
【(这句话不知出处,疑似男性威力反击): "No mercy!" (对你而言,仁慈无用!)】
Shield Stance: Te occidam! - "I'm going to kill you!"/ Te affligam! - "I'll crush you!"
【完全防御模式:"I'm going to kill you!"/ "I'll crush you!" (我会杀了你/我将击垮你)】
Stab: Peri! – "Die!"/"Perish!"
【深入凿击:"Die!"/"Perish!" (死吧!)】
Morituro! – "You're gonna die!"
【迅速还击:"You're gonna die!" (你会死在我手里)】
Top unblockable: Ad mortem, inimicus! – "To death, my enemy!"
【击晕上段重击时:"To death, my enemy!" (判处死刑!)】
Pull: No superstes! – "No survivors!"
【长臂抛掷:"No survivors!" (一个不留!/世人皆有罪!)】
All of them
When grabbed: Nani? (何) - "What?"
Top heavy finisher: Jinjyo ni shoubu (尋常に勝負) - "Let's have an honorable showdown!"
Side heavy finisher: Korede shimaida (これで終いだ) - "This'll be the end!"
【(男性)连技以上段重击结束时:尋常に勝負 (一决胜负吧!)】
【(女性)连技以两侧重击结束时:死ね (死吧!)】
Demon's embrace: Isagiyoku shine (潔く死ね) - "Accept it and die!"
【恶魔拥抱:潔く死ね (面对死亡吧!)】
Charging heavy attack: Waga shuchuu ni ari (我が手中にあり) - "It's in my hands."
【蓄力重击:我が手中にあり (???)】
Riptide Strike: Nigashimasen (逃がしません) - "There is no escape!"
【激流击(女性):逃がしません (别想逃!)】
Riptide Strike (Male): Jinjyo ni shoubu (尋常に勝負) - "Let's have an honorable showdown!"
【激流击(男性):尋常に勝負 (一决胜负吧!)】
Deflect: Shine (死ね) - "Die!"
【狂风击/飓风裂破:死ね (死吧!)】
Light finisher that bleeds: Sonata ni shi wo (其方に死を) "I give you death!"
【以轻击结束的出血连技:其方に死を (赐你死地)】
Side cobra strike: Oshite mairu (推して参る) "Here we go!"
I would clarify that 推して参る, oshite mairu, has a different connotation than just "Here we go!" While it does literally mean "(I'm) advancing (on you)", it's from a very polite form of Japanese and is a phrase that you would never hear in modern day (aside from manga/games/period pieces). it's a bit of a weird case though, because while the source of the phrase denotes a very humble person speaking to a superior, it carries an almost opposite connotation in post-industrialized Japan because of the collapse of the feudal castes. because it's such antiquated speech, I'd say "Have at you!" or "Lead on!" is closer. it's not perfect, but it has a little more of the context.
【我认为 推して参る 有着不同的蓄意,不单单就是 Here we go,逐字来看的话 推して参る 有着 “我比你厉害”的意思。这句话用的是一种你在现代日本根本听不到的敬语(漫画,游戏或者古董这些东西除外)而且奇怪的是,听起来像是一个十分谦虚的人在吹嘘。放在已经今天工业化的日本来说,这句话的贬义几乎要超过原本的寓意,因为它参杂着封建社会的残余。由于使用的是十分老旧的语式,我会翻成“看招” 或者“让我见识下吧(嘲讽意味)”。 虽然不是很完美的,但还是比 Here we go 好一点。】